Executive Team
Tracy Cronin - Principal
Pilar South - Deputy Principal P-4
Steve Leese - Deputy Principal 5-8
Michael Statham - Deputy Principal - 9 -12
Kyla Richardson - Business Manager
School Leadership Team
Joan Nash - Head of Department - Curriculum
TBC - Literacy Coach
Stacey Vawser - Pedagogy Coach - Positive Behaviour for Learning
Micaela Romano - Pedagogy Coach P-4
Ash Zugno - Pedagogy Coach 5-8
Laura Nicholas - Pedagogy Coach 9-12
Administration Team
Stephanie Heilbronn - Administration Officer
Sue Rice - Administration Officer
Tracy Kingdon - Administration Officer
Carley McDonald - Administration Officer
Aldo Cervellin - Schools Officer Grounds and Facilities
Student Support Services
Leah Nicholls - Social Worker
Lynda Ross - Guidance Officer
Charlie Chamberlin - Chaplain
Cassie Harris - Community Education Counsellor (Identified)
Our classes each have a Teacher and a Teacher Aide and are further supported by additional Teacher Aides.
Education Queensland employed physiotherapists, occupational therapists and advisory visiting teachers are based at our school and are available through a referral process. Staff can be contacted via the
school office or via the school enquiries email